Talks and Lectures

The difference between a talk and a lecture is that talks are shorter and less pretentious, usually for the general public.

Lectures are usually given to a specialised audience.

I have a standard repertoire of talks described in the prospectus here [.doc].

Most of them have a physical counterpart as PowerPoint presentations, with written notes or a related essay.

Some have been recorded in video format and can be found on YouTube.

Details of the content of many of these themes can be found elsewhere on the web site.

“How will we get to zero?” Schumacher Lectures, Bristol, 2011.

“Wind, Plants and Sustainability”, Forestry Commission seminar on renewables, Resolven, Wales, March 2012

“The impact of agriculture on the ‘Planetary Boundaries’. Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala, Sweden, April 2012

“Decarbonising the Energy System in Britain and Japan”, Lecture organised by the Journal Biocity, Tokyo, March 2013.

“Sustainable Households: How much decarbonisation can we do at home?” Keynote speech, Conference on “Transition to Low Carbon”, Winchester November 2009.

Presentations of Zero-Carbon Britain in Australia, Japan, USA, Sweden, Italy, Spain and very many locations in the UK, 2007 to present.

Zero-Carbon Bristol to a public audience, 2011

Talks about the purpose and function of environmental demonstration centres in Ireland, Japan, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, USA, The Netherlands, Scotland, and many other locations in the UK.

Talks on Sustainable Gardening to garden clubs, University of the Third Age, horticultural colleges etc.

Talks on the history of CAT and the environment movement in general, Stockholm, Tokyo, London, Washington, Melbourne, Madrid, Turin.