
Perhaps you are just being nosy — do help yourself.

But if you are looking for something in particular, this page might be useful.

A lot of the content is about my professional work in environmental matters and sustainability, which I take rather seriously. It’s geeky, so if you’re a troll, don’t bother. But I do have a life and personal concerns, and I often stick these in the Blog section.  I don’t update very often.

Recently, like many others, I have become fascinated by the near-simultaneous Brexit and Trump votes, and the rise of populism. This has a big bearing on sustainability because large populist minorities nearly everywhere are noticeably unconcerned about the future. I have been unable to restrain myself from thinking and writing about these matters, and you can find short essays in the BLOG or the Miscellanea section of The Library.

‘Education’ is another new section I created because right now I am involved in battles to try and get real physical sustainability into university curricula, as opposed to well-meaning mush, or what George Monbiot memorably calls ‘micro-consumerist bollocks’. Some of the cut and thrust is in there. 

The LIBRARY covers a very wide range of mostly-environmental subjects, classified into fourteen different categories.  I use it as a store of previous work, handy to refer to if it has not been accessibly published. Random browsing will turn up all manner of unexpected stuff. Older material offers historical depth to many contemporary issues. Younger readers might be surprised just how long we have been worrying about some of these things, and will enjoy seeing where their ideological forebears went wrong. Mea culpa!

There are some topics in the Library I’d like to see discussed more (especially within the environmental movement) so I have pulled them out and called them CONTROVERSIES. If your blood pressure is a bit low, you might find a remedy here.

SERVICES lists what I will do for money, from consultancy to exhibitions. It provides contact information. I am for hire, but I am picky, and lazy.

ABOUT  is necessarily personal. Journalists sometimes find the biographical information useful. I appear to be an ‘outlier’, and in these paranoid days this might suggest adherence to minority views and conspiracy theories. You must judge for yourself. That section also helps to explain some of the other material, and answers small puzzles such as the significance of the logo


If there was anything here for you, kiek mol wedder rin, look in again sometime.